Adam’s Road at City on a Hill

About Adam’s Road Ministry

We are a Christian, non-profit ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through song and testimony. Through the power of God’s Word and by the grace of God, all four of us have been unshackled from religious bonds, rescued out of Mormonism, and brought into a personal and saving relationship with Jesus. By the transforming power of the Gospel, we who once were blind, lost, and dead are now new creations in the Lord Jesus Christ; the old has passed away, and the new has come.

The Event

Adam’s Road will be performing at Calvary City on a Hill at 7 pm to share the Word of God and to minister to those searching for Truth. Their music encompasses passages from the Bible that testify of God, who He is, and His Grace and Mercy! Come join us to praise God through music and fellowship!

Free parking is available on the east side of the church and on the street.

For more information on Adam’s Road and their ministry, visit them at